
Your 2022 Horoscope Is Here to Guide the Year Ahead

You may start to find that it’s easier to spend your time alone than surrounded by the wrong company this year. That realization alone will make you realize how special the people who you do align with are. Do not take your life for granted any longer. Share with the people you love through gift giving and words of affirmation in 2022. You are on the right path, but gratitude will get you to your goals much more quickly, Aries.

Taurus (April 20—May 20)

2022 is sure to be a transformative year with the nodal shift and eclipse season occupying your sign throughout the year, Taurus. If you’ve been sitting in the background of your own life, this will be the year where your position finally changes and you start to see yourself as the main character that you always have been! Expect the unexpected when it comes to love, whether this is a surprise upgrade or completion of your existing relationship. 

And for my single Taurus friends: You will be pleasantly surprised with the options you’ll have in the year ahead. There is nothing that can get in your way, besides yourself. So step out of self doubt and start to truly believe in the power you hold. Then, and only then, you will see your life transform from stagnant to stellar.

Gemini (May 21—June 21)

Ah, my twins! 2022 will ask you to create a new level of stability and balance in your life. With the nodal axis shifting from you and your sister sign (Gemini and Sagittarius) to the current occupying signs of Taurus and Scorpio, there will be less activation and triggering in the air for my Gems. Try to invite yourself to find comfort in the quiet. You could be slowing down on travel, responsibilities, obligatory relationships, and chaos into a much simpler lifestyle. Your nervous system will surely thank you! 

When it comes to love, make sure you’re investing in the right people for the right reasons. Don’t keep someone around just to fill a void. Instead, get comfortable with your own company—whether you’re in a relationship or not. A healthy partner will admire your dedication to yourself, so make this a top priority in 2022. I see retreats, meditation, and emotional support systems through community and therapeutic techniques. Don’t give up on the life you see for yourself.

Cancer (June 22—July 22)

Cancers, this year is going to be full of social events and opportunities for you to connect deeply with others. Make sure that you’re taking proper care of your mental and emotional health along the way and giving yourself permission to intertwine rest into your daily experience, rather than waiting until you’re burnt out! 

For my single Cancers, this year illuminates a clear path to connect with a soulmate. Ask yourself if you’re looking for non-committal fun, or dedication and longevity. Either path is yours once you choose what works best for you! There is no right or wrong answer, simply an authentic choice. Once you release the dogmatic thought process of living life “right” or “wrong” you will find that there was only ever “authentic” and “inauthentic.” Set yourself free of mental rigidity in 2022.

Leo (July 23—August 22)

Dearest Leos, what a time to be alive! 2022 is sure to be full of joy and celebration for you this year—and you are reliably ready to soak up life’s pleasures. However, the question this year is: Can you start to weather the storms of difficulty with that same willingness? You are sure to be surrounded by love, success, and good fortune this year. But your task will be to find the gray space—somewhere between being swept up by difficult moments or disengaging all together. 

Your 2022 Horoscope Is Here to Guide the Year Ahead
Pinas Flash Report

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